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10 Gift Ideas for People with Anxiety

With the gift giving season fast approaching, you may be struggling with present ideas or perhaps you want to buy something to enhance the life of a loved one. Either way, we will cover some ideas that can be great for those who struggle with anxiety or want to feel less stress generally. If it’s not a gift for someone else, it can be something that will help you!

1. Essential Oil Diffuser

This is something that I invested in not too long ago. It helps create a relaxing atmosphere whilst increasing the moisture in the air. The reason I finally decided to get it was because I had a cold at the time and I wanted something that would help me breathe. I then bought a variety of essential oils to try out.

It’s a great thing to have in your room as you can switch it on in those moments when you feel your anxiety rising, and it can help you relax whilst doing some meditation. Lavender is great for reducing stress too.

2. Self Help Book

This may be a more controversial gift but some self help books can be incredibly motivational and inspirational. If you see a loved one struggling with stress and anxiety, then it can be a great gift that will help steer them in a more positive direction and provide a bit of hope.

A couple of my favourites are “feel the fear and do it anyway” and “f**k it therapy”. New books are coming out all of the time so it’s worth investigating. It doesn’t even have to be anxiety related!

3. Beaded Jewellery

Most people like receiving jewellery of some kind. It’s the ideal gift and not something we often buy for ourselves. When I say beaded jewellery, it can mean different things. There are the anxiety bracelets that carry essential oils in them and therefore offer some solace to anxiety sufferers in moments of need.

Any beaded jewellery can be helpful though as it can serve as a distraction. It can be repeating a certain line for every bead (such as prayer beads) or it can help with breathing exercises. For example, breath in as you count through five beads, and out as you count through eight. If you buy a normal piece of beaded jewellery (meaning not anxiety related), then write a little message to accompany it making it clear what it’s for. As someone who experiences anxiety, I would find it more meaningful to understand the intention of the gift rather than just receiving a beaded bracelet.

On the note of jewellery, there are also a variety of anxiety-themed jewellery which promotes positive messages and symbols of hope. There are bracelets, rings, etc. which can be a cute little gift.

4. Instrument

Playing guitar proved to be a saving grace during some of my worst times. Some people are fortunate enough to have an instrument but for others it can be a fantastic gift and an opportunity to find an outlet. Understandably guitars are expensive and may not be the preferred choice but there are other options like a ukulele or a keyboard.

5. Mindfulness Art

Mindfulness is talked about a lot when it comes to anxiety. Anxiety is caused by worrisome thoughts, often about the future and mindfulness tackles that by teaching you how to clear your mind of all thoughts and just be in the present. Mindfulness colouring has come more popular in recent years and makes an excellent gifts. There are countless colouring books and there are beautiful felt pens that act as a great source of relaxation.

6. Soy wax candles

A lot of people enjoy lighting a candle or two to create a relaxing environment and that combines with aromatherapy can be extremely beneficial to those who are experiencing high levels of stress. Average candles (paraffin wax) can be harmful and that defeats the point of the gift. You want it to be something helpful, not harmful. Soy candles don’t release toxic substances but there are various other types of wax candles that are just as good.

7. Spa Day

This is more of a treat-type gift. A day out is becoming more and more popular so why not gift a spa day? It can be a great opportunity to get out of the house but in a relaxing and rewarding way. It can include reflexology or seeing a chiropractor to include some health benefits or it can be a simple massage. It’s good to change things up from time to time and this is a great way of getting away from some of the stress.

8. Beauty products

Sticking on the pampering theme, beauty products help people feel better about themselves. Make-up can be fun to play with and make you feel prettier but it’s also about skin care products. It can even be a way of recreating a spa day at home since not everyone feels comfortable going to a spa.

9. TV Show Box Set

This is a gift that depends on you knowing the recipient well but TV shows and sitcoms are a great distraction from anxiety at times. There were many instances when I put on “My Family” to help me relax or fall asleep. It was a simple gift, which quickly turned into getting all of the seasons but it was incredibly helpful. Nowadays, you could even opt for a gift card for a streaming service where there are a variety of TV shows and movies available.

10. Journal

The final gift idea is a simplistic one but it can end up being a crucial part of someone's journey. Journaling can be so helpful when overcoming anxiety as you start to analyse your own thoughts and behaviours, comment on your experiences etc.Having a nice diary to write it in also makes it a little more special. You can find some journaling inspiration here:

Hopefully you’ve found some gift inspiration for those who struggle with anxiety or have found something that you may invest in for yourself! Ultimately, it’s about finding those meaningful, helpful gifts and spreading joy but not at a great expense. After all, it’s the thought that counts.

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